Fredrik’s background as a software engineer, research in medical computer science and previous experience building, equipped him to enter the field of digital health.
Living in Vienna, but originally from Sweden, Fredrik now heads mySugr’s the Risk Management, Market Surveillance, New Projects and Community Relations. He speaks at business and medical universities around the world and in 2016 was appointed faculty at the the Postgrad Program on Technology of the Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes. His current research interest lies in analytics and behavioural psychology. To learn more about him, you can review his TED talk from 2014, “Diabetes — time for a change”.

mySugr is the result of frustration with the status quo of medical technology and its fit in life with diabetes. “Uninformed and alone, we’re supposed to stay ‘compliant’ for the rest of our lives. In this way, diabetes sucks.”, as Fredrik puts it, “In todays world medtech needs to move faster, be more agile and do more than just measure; it needs to help at more levels. And it can.” mySugr has won several international awards and is already backed by Roche Ventures, iSeed Ventures and XL Health, as well as the infamous Austrian business angel Johannes “Hansi” Hansmann, who is also behind Runtastic, Busuu, Diagnosia and Schpock.